Who Is Chelsea Clinton's Father

Who Is Chelsea Clinton's Father - Everyone is saying that this man is chelsea clinton's real father. This presidential campaign just turned into an episode of jerry springer. Rumours have long been flying around. The obvious answer, to normal people, is bill clinton. he is her legal father and the husband of her mother and, if you have eyeballs in your skull, you can see that chelsea looks. The daughter of former us politicians bill clinton and hillary clinton says public expectations differed for each of her parents. The clintons are helmed by chelsea's parents, former president bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton. Now the face of the clinton family, chelsea has. According to larry nichols, the 42nd president of the united states had allegedly said the real father is the former mayor of little rock, ark. , ster hubbell, who was once a. He supposedly revealed that chelsea's biological father was former mayor ster hubbell of little rock, arkansas, with whom hillary once worked. Nichols worked for bill when he was. In the early 2000s, he faced multiple fraud charges and went to prison. Diana Larkin Twitterindexgeorge Washington Green 1 Cent Stamp

Everyone is saying that this man is chelsea clinton's real father. This presidential campaign just turned into an episode of jerry springer. Rumours have long been flying around. The obvious answer, to normal people, is bill clinton. he is her legal father and the husband of her mother and, if you have eyeballs in your skull, you can see that chelsea looks. The daughter of former us politicians bill clinton and hillary clinton says public expectations differed for each of her parents. The clintons are helmed by chelsea's parents, former president bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton. Now the face of the clinton family, chelsea has. According to larry nichols, the 42nd president of the united states had allegedly said the real father is the former mayor of little rock, ark. , ster hubbell, who was once a. He supposedly revealed that chelsea's biological father was former mayor ster hubbell of little rock, arkansas, with whom hillary once worked. Nichols worked for bill when he was. In the early 2000s, he faced multiple fraud charges and went to prison.

Who Is Chelsea Clinton